Aymos Teases “10K Inkomo,” a New Song featuring Samthing Soweto, Shasha, and Mas Musiq

Aymos Teases 10K Inkomo off upcoming Impilo Album
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Aymos Teases 10K Inkomo off upcoming Impilo Album

Aymos Teases 10K Inkomo: Aymos is getting ready for his album “Impilo,” which will be released on August 30, 2024.

He recently released a teaser for a song from the project that features Mas Musiq, Shasha, and Samthing Soweto, among other famous musicians.

“10k inkomo x Samthing Soweto x Shasha x MasMusiq. #impilo album dropping on the 30th August”, captioned Aymos.

Check out the announcement below:


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